July 24, 2024

Get Ready to Reap the Rewards!

Introducing Our Loyalty Program, designed to offer you exclusive benefits and unparalleled convenience.

1. Register: Sign up on our website or through our mobile app to become a member.

2. Points: Get 1 point for every dollar you spend, plus earn additional points for actions like sharing on social media, leaving reviews or referring a friend.

3. Levels:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold - 5% Cashback
  • Platinum - 10% Cashback

3. Rewards: Use your points to unlock special coupons, discounts, and cashback offers. The more points you accumulate, the higher your reward tier, ranging from Bronze to Platinum.

Stay updated on your points balance and rewards through your personal account, and get notifications about new offers via email and push notifications.

Healthy eating has never been this exciting and rewarding!

Thank you for being a valued customer. We look forward to continuing to serve you the best meals with the best rewards.

Stay healthy,
The AthleticsFit Meals Team